Computer Science Education
Originally posted at Purdue University
Armoni, M.: Looking at Secondary Teacher Preparation through the Lenses of Computer Science – a Literature Survey (in preparation)
Astrachan, O. and Reed, D. 1995. AAA and CS 1: the applied apprenticeship approach to CS 1. SIGCSE Bull. 27, 1 (Mar. 1995), 1-5.
Ball, D. (1989). Breaking with experience: The role of a preservice methods course. Retrieved on August 26, 2009 from
- This paper examines the role of a preservice mathematics methods course in helping beginning elementary teacher candidates.
Ben-Ari, M. 1998. Constructivism in computer science education. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (Atlanta, Georgia, United States, February 26 – March 01, 1998). D. Joyce and J. Impagliazzo, Eds. SIGCSE ’98. ACM, New York, NY, 257-261. DOI=
- This paper surveys constructivism in the context of CSE, and shows how the theory can supply a theoretical basis for debating issues and evaluating proposals.
Ben-Ari, M. (2004). Situated Learning in Computer Science Education. Computer Science Education, 14(2), 85-100. doi:10.1080/08993400412331363823
- This article examines situated learning within the context of computer science (CS) education.
Berglund, A., Daniels, M., and Pears, A. 2006. Qualitative research projects in computing education research: an overview. In Proceedings of the 8th Austalian Conference on Computing Education – Volume 52 (Hobart, Australia, January 16 – 19, 2006). D. Tolhurst and S. Mann, Eds. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, vol. 165. Australian Computer Society, Darlinghurst, Australia, 25-33.
- This article provides an overview of research methods and resulting studies,which exemplifies the value this type of study has for the CER community.
Booth, S. (2001). Learning Computer Science and Engineering in Context. Computer Science Education, 11(3), 169-188. doi:10.1076/csed.
- This study is an empirical research that examines students’ experience of learning in groups in a project-focused induction course to a computer science and engineering programme.
Boroni, C. M., Goosey, F. W., Grinder, M. T., and Ross, R. J. 1998. A paradigm shift! The Internet, the Web, browsers, Java and the future of computer science education. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (Atlanta, Georgia, United States, February 26 – March 01, 1998). D. Joyce and J. Impagliazzo, Eds. SIGCSE ’98. ACM, New York, NY, 145-152. DOI=
- This article talks about a paradigm shift with profound implications for computer science education. The shift is away from a relatively static, localized paradigm of teaching and learning towards an interactive,dynamic, and non-localized paradigm.
Clancy, M., Stasko, J., Guzdial, M., Fincher, S. & Dale, N. (2001). Models and Areas for CS Education Research. Computer Science Education, 11(4), 323-341. doi:10.1076/csed.11.4.323.3827
- This paper surveys constructivism in the context of CSE, and shows how the theory can supply a theoretical basis for debating issues and evaluating proposals.
Clear, T. (2004) Critical Enquiry on CS Education. In Fincher, S., & Petre, M. (Eds) Computer Science Education Research, London, UK: Taylor & Francis, 101-125.
Cornwell, L.W.: Crisis in computer science education at the precollege level. In: 13th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 14(1), pp. 28–30. ACM, New York (1982)
- This paper attempts to focus attention on the problem of providing meaningful and effective educational programs for precollege teachers.
Deek, F. P. & Kimmel, H. (1999). Status of Computer Science Education in Secondary Schools: One State’s Perspective. Computer Science Education, 9(2), 89-113. doi:10.1076/csed.
DiSessa, A. (2001). Changing minds: Computers, learning, and literacy, The MIT Press.
Ebby, C. B. (2000). Learning to Teach Mathematics Differently: The Interaction Between Course work and Fieldwork for Preservice Teachers, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 3, 69-97. ebby_2000.pdf
- This article explores the connections that 3 preservice elementary teachers made between their experiences as learners of mathematics in a masters-level university methods course and their experiences as teachers of mathematics in the fieldwork classroom.
Ericson, B., Armoni, M., Gal-Ezer, J. Seehorn, D.. Stephenson, C., & Trees, F (2008). Ensuring exemplary teaching in an essential discipline: Addressing the crisis in computer science teacher certification. New York: The Computer Science Teachers Association.
Fincher, S., & Petre, M. (2004). Computer science education research: Routledge.
- This book provides an overview of how to approach CS education research from a pragmatic perspective.
Glass, R. L., Ramesh, V., and Vessey, I. 2004. An analysis of research in computing disciplines. Commun. ACM 47, 6 (Jun. 2004), 89-94. DOI=
- Comparing the topics and methods of the three major subdivisions of the computing realm.
Hazzan, O. (2003). How Students Attempt to Reduce Abstraction in the Learning of Mathematics and in the Learning of Computer Science. Computer Science Education, 13(2), 95-122. doi:10.1076/csed.
- The main section of the article analyzes the understanding of concepts from four fields – abstract algebra, computability, data structures and differential equations – through the lens of reducing abstraction. The analysis shows that a wide range of cognitive phenomena can be explained by one theoretical framework.
Hazzan, O., Gal-Ezer, J., Blum, L. (2008) A model for high school Computer Science Education: The four key elements that make it! In: 39th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 40(1), pp. 281–285. ACM, New York
- This paper presents a model program for high school computer science education. It is based on an analysis of the structure of the Israeli high school computer science curriculum considered to be one of the leading curricula worldwide.
Holmboe, C. (2000). A framework for knowledge: Analysing high school students’ understanding of data modelling. Paper presented at 12th Annual Workshop of Psychology of Programmers Interest Group (PPIG), Corigliano Calabro, Cosenza, Italy.
Kinnunen, P. & Malmi, L. (2004). Do Students Work Efficiently in a Group? – Problem-Based Learning Groups in Basic Programming Course. In A. Korhonen & L. Malmi (Eds.) Kolin kolistelut – Koli Calling 2004. Proceedings of the Fourth Finnish/Baltic Sea Conference of Computer Science Education, Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, 57-66.
Kölling, M. and Barnes, D. J. 2004. Enhancing apprentice-based learning of Java. In Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (Norfolk, Virginia, USA, March 03 – 07, 2004). SIGCSE ’04. ACM, New York, NY, 286-290.
PDF: enhancing_apprentice_bluej.pdf
Lapidot, T. and Hazzan, O. (2004). Construction of a professional perception in the “Methods of Teaching Computer Science” course, Inroads, vol.36(2), pp. 57-61. Construction of professional perceptions
Meisalo, V., Sutinen, E. & Torvinen, S. (2003) Choosing Appropriate Methods for Evaluating and Improving the Learning Process in Distance Programming Courses. In the proceedings of IEEE Frontiers in Education, Denver, CO, USA.
Nwana, H. (1997). The computer science education crisis: fact or illusion? Interacting with Computers, 9(1), 27- 45.
Pears, A., Seidman, S., Eney, C., Kinnunen, P., and Malmi, L. 2005. Constructing a core literature for computing education research. SIGCSE Bull. 37, 4 (Dec. 2005), 152-161. DOI=
Ragonis, N. and Hazzan, O. (2008). Disciplinary-pedagogical teacher preparation for pre-service Computer Science teachers: rational and implementation, Informatics in Secondary Schools – Evolution and Perspective – ISSEP 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5090/2008, pp. 253-264. ragonis_hazzan_issep_08.pdf
R. E. Mayer, (1988). Teaching and Learning Computer Programming. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Robin, A., Rountree, J., & Rountree, N. (2003). Learning and teaching programming: A review and discussion. Computer Science Education, 13(2), 137-172.
Tucker, A., Deek, F., Jones, J., McCowan, D., Stephenson, C. and Verno, A. (2002). A Model Curriculum for K-12 Computer Science: Report of the ACM K-12 Education Task Force Computer Science Curriculum Committee — Draft.
Wu, C. 1993 Conceptual Models and Individual Cognitive Learning Styles in Teaching Recursion to Novices. Doctoral Thesis. UMI Order Number: UMI Order No. GAX93-23595., University of Texas at Austin.
Wulf, T. 2005. Constructivist approaches for teaching computer programming. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on information Technology Education (Newark, NJ, USA, October 20 – 22, 2005). SIGITE ’05. ACM, New York, NY, 245-248. DOI=
Educational Theory & Teacher Education
Almstrum, V. (1996). Investigating student difficulties with mathematical logic. In N. Dean, & M. Hinchey (eds.), Teaching and Learning Formal Methods. London, UK: Academic Press.
Barnett, J. andHodson, D. (2001) Pedagogical context knowledge: Toward a fuller understanding of what good science teachers know. Science Education 85 , pp. 426-453. [ crossref ]
Birman, B. F. , Desimone, L. , Porter, A. C. and Garet, M. S. (2000) Designing Professional Development that Works. Educational Leadership 57:(8) , pp. 28-33.
Cope, C. (2000). Educationally critical aspects of the experience of learning about the concept of an information system. PhD thesis. La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia.
Dyal, A. B. (1993). An exploratory study to determine principals’ perceptions concerning the effectiveness of a fifth-year preparation program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Evertson, C., Hawley, W., & Zlotnick, M. (1985). Making a difference in educational quality through teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 36(3), 2-12.[CrossRef]
Ferguson, P., & Womack, S. T. (1993). The impact of subject matter and education coursework on teaching performance. Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), 55-63.[Free Full Text]
Eltis, K. and Turney, C., 1992. Generic competencies for beginning teachers. Draft Report for the National Project on the Quality of Teaching and Learning.
Farrah, H., 1988. The reflective thought process: John Dewey re-visited. Journal of Creative Behaviour 22, pp. 1–8.
Feiman-Nemser, S., 1990. Teacher preparation: Structural and conceptual alternatives. In: Houston, W.T., Editor, , 1990. Handbook of research on teacher education, McMillan, New York.
Freidus, H., 1991. Critical issues in the curriculum of teacher education programs. In: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Fuller, F., 1970. Personalized education for teachers: An introduction for teacher educators. In: Report No. 001, The University of Texas, Research and Development Centre for Teacher Education, Austin.
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Graham, R., Knuth, D., & Patashnik, O. (1994). Concrete mathematics: a foundation for computer science: Addison-Wesley Reading, MA.
Manoucherhri, A. (1999). Computers and School Mathematics Reform: Implications for Mathematics Teacher Education. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 18(1), 31-48.
Shulman, L.S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Teacher, 15(2), 4–14.
Shulman, L.S. (1990). Reconnecting foundations to the substance of teacher education. Teachers College Record, 91 (3), 300–310.
Zeidler, D.L. (2002). Dancing with maggots and saints: Visions for subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge in science teacher education reform. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 13 (1), 27–42.
Zohar, A. (2004). Elements of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge regarding instruction of high order thinking. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 15(4), 293–312.
Originally posted at Purdue University
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